Popular Two-Way Radio Codes Explained

When you operate one of our two-way radios, you may hear people say unique acronyms or number combinations. You can understand fellow users and save time by learning these common codes:

The bottom line is that most codes supply basic facts, instruct people to perform routine tasks, or provide details about reception. Click on the picture on your right to download a larger image for your personal or business use.

Radio Codes

The number " 10-1" means that someone has received your communication but encountered poor reception. Try to speak as clearly as possible.
On the other hand, " 10-2" indicates that a radio user is picking up a strong signal. He or she probably understands you well.
The code " 10-3" calls for you to disregard the previous statement. Someone might use it after saying something in error.
One of the most well-known radio codes is " 10-4". It means that a person has understood and acknowledged your message.
When you say " 10-5", you're asking someone to relay information to another individual. You may state the name of the desired recipient after using this code.
If a two-way radio user says " 10-6", the person is busy and wants you to wait for further communication. Stop transmitting and listen.
The code " 10-7" indicates that you're "out of service" and you'll turn off the radio soon. On the other hand, "10-8" means "in service." You should be ready to receive calls after you say it.
If you want someone to repeat the last statement because poor conditions prevented you from hearing it, say " 10-9".
When a person uses " 10-18", it can have a couple of different meanings. This individual might want to know if you have any assignments for him or her. Alternately, it could mean that you need to finish a task promptly.
The code " 10-19" indicates a lack of assignments or messages for you. It also tells you to go back to the station, office or depot.
The number combination " 10-20" represents a request for your current location. You could specify a district, highway or street address.
The code " 10-23" reveals that an individual has arrived at a destination and completed the previous assignment. It can also constitute a request to wait until other users stop communicating on the same channel.
Someone who needs to know the current time will say " 10-36". If it's 10 o'clock, remember to say "a.m." or "p.m." so that your reply doesn't sound like another code!
Several other codes consist of three letters. For instance, " QRX" typically means "stand by." Some people use it to ask when they'll hear from you again.
An individual who says " QRU" may want to know if you've been harmed in any way, but this code's usage varies by region. It could also disclose that there aren't any new assignments or messages for you.
The acronym " QSM" calls for you to repeat a phrase because the other party couldn't hear it. Set your radio to its maximum output power if possible. The code "QRM" has a similar definition; it represents a request to compensate for staticky reception by repeating a sentence.
If someone says "QTH," he or she wants to know your current position or location. Finally, " QSL" acknowledges your last message and has a meaning similar to " 10-4".